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How to fix the user accounts in Outlook and Teams do not match (Scheduling MS Meeting)

If you are getting the following error message while scheduling the Micorosft Team, you have come to the right place.

Error: "The user accounts in Outlook and Teams do not match. Please make sure you are signed in to both applications with the same user name and privileges"


  • Close Outlook 
  • Open run and type appdata or
  • Go to the following path: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams 
  • Find the “settings.json” file.

  • Open the file with Notepad and find the following word:


  • Now change the word “true” to “false”. Note that there are 4 entries in the file,
  • we need to replace all of them.

  • Save the file and then Open file properties, change the file attributes to Read-only.

  • Now Outlook should be able to create meetings using the Teams add-in.
Solution 2: If you are still facing the same problem then you can uninstall the office 365 and re-install it and see and also don't forget to clear temp file from the windows.

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