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Top Marketplace to buy NFT from Nepal

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token and now a day getting very popular and using the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) platform people are making money. In 2022 experts are saying that Non-Fungible tokens will take the digital art to next level. There are many marketplaces to buy Non-Fungible tokens (NFT) Here is some of the recommendations for Nepali users.

What is NFT?

Non-Fungible->Non-Replaceable, Token->Currency 

NFT stands for Non-Fungible tokens. Let's start with an example

Suppose, I have a book called ABC or I buy a book called ABC from a local store, In this ABC book I have highlighted some of the text on page number 40 and I also put some notes on page number 17  as well as a postcard on page 45. Also, remember that this book is unique why? because this book has my highlight and notes as well as a postcard. 

If you buy the same book called ABC from a local store you will not get my highlight and notes and postcard. What I mean to say is even if you buy that ABC book from a local store all the text printed on it remains the same however you will not find my highlighted text, notes, and postcard, Therefore my ABC book is unique which I called non-replaceable.

In short, Only one type of copy in the world.

NFT may be of bikes, videos, anything that is unique and non-replaceable


The token is the name for currency in the blockchain world


The Opensea is the place where you can buy and sell the non-fungible token. You can also create a non-fungible token using their platform. You just need to create an account on their platform and start buying and selling non-fungible tokens.


Rarible is also the place where you can mint non-fungible tokens and earn money by selling your non-fungible token


Binance is the place where you can buy and sell any coin, or token. From Binance you can also buy non-fungible tokens.


The information provided on this channel is general in nature and is solely for educational purposes. Do not trade with money that you cannot afford to lose, Cryptocurrency is illegal in Nepal.

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