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How to recover unsaved documents from windows


How to recover unsaved files or documents. Sometimes you forget to save the document. You work a whole day on that document or file and suddenly the computer restart or shutdown, and your whole day's work goes into the water. So is there any way to recover the files that are unsaved? And the answer is Yes, we can recover that files or documents. 

How to recover unsaved documents office 365

  1. Open Microsoft Office
  2. Click on Blank Documents
  3. Select file and Info
  4. Click on Manage Documents and select Recover Unsaved Documents
  5. Select the file you are working 


Method 2:

Try this method is above method is not working for you,
  1. Press and hold + R from the keyboard
  2. run_Bikrambhujel
  3. Type AppData
  4. Select Local and go to Microsoft->Office->UnsavedFiles
  5. You will find your unsaved documents

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