Simple way to make money online 2019/20
If you are students and searching for online jobs in Nepal. you have come to the right place here you will know how online earning works and how much you can make from online. There are a couple of ways to earn money online. However, I will only talk about the simple and easy one so that you can make some passive income. Let me clear one thing that by applying this technique you are not going to become rich. This only helps you to gain some extra passive income monthly $10-$100 i.e depended on the time you spend on the internet. Let look some of the technique of how you can make money online
Affiliate Marketing
You can earn by doing Affiliate marketing there are many affiliate marketing websites such as amazon, Cpagrip, BigCommerce, Wix, Shopify, etc. In this program, you have to make customers come to their site and you will be given some commission. But here we will talk about the CPAGrip
What is CpaGrip?
CpaGrip is the cost per action (CPA) network which is designed for content locking and also have high converting offers. Here you can lock your video, offers, etc. Cpagrip is the easy way to earn money online which also pay you a very high amount to register just click here now fill-up the form and click REGISTER button. Now they will send an email for confirmation go to Gmail and confirm it.
Paid to click
Another way is by doing surveys and viewing an advertisement. You can also make handsome passive income by viewing the advertisement if you have referrals. Some of the best paid to click site is
- ySense
- Neobux
- Inboxdollar
These three is trusted and paying since 2008. My favorite is Neobux I only view advertisements every day I only spend 5-10 minutes on Neobux and making some passive income.
if you want to join Neobux then click here and go to register and fill up a form and after filling form they will send you a confirmation email confirm it and go to view advertisement and make some passive income.
You can also make money online by using Adsense. Adsense is the Google program that helps publishers to gain some extra income. But Adsense is very difficult to get verified for your website. So I recommended you to use the above one. Also, remember that I'm not saying you will not be verified in Adsense but it difficult. The requirement for AdSense ads is the website.
Everybody knows what is youtube, you can earn from youtube also create a channel and upload videos interested by people. Now you can monetize your videos and earn from here but this is also now simple you should have subscribers to monetize your channel.
You can earn by writing blogs i.e articles too but this is also very difficult to gain traffic to your blog.
You can earn using propeller ads direct link this is also same as adsense but propeller ads pay you 80% whereas Adsense only pays you 60% revenue.You can go and sign up as a publisher account and make some passive income
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